"Les raisons? Y a pas de raisons."
founded by 0xff & rokkanu.
This site is edited by 0xff and 0xff only. Rokka participates but not directly.
/rkspam - tool we use to spam whiteboard links./ click to download
/blockyou.txt - collection of multiple IPs hosted on bloom and some other hosting services for minecraft/ click to download
07/30/24 --- We are finally back after 2 months, with news. We were able to find a way to scan for servers hosted on bloom and some other minecraft hosting services, and built a list of server IPs with it. Do as you wish with them.
05/27/24 --- Today is the first day of life of this website on neocities. Will probably keep it simple like this for a LOOOONG time, and will update it whenever i can or need to. As for todays "raids", over 10 happened! Me and rokka had a blast, and this is only the start of something greater. Will keep these "news" saved.